First and foremost, our hearts go out to anyone that has be negatively impacted by COVID-19 be it physically, emotionally or financially. These indeed are challenging times on so many levels as we adapt to new ways of working, living and interacting.

At AlignWise we are committed to supporting our clients, partners and community through this difficult time, with safety and well-being our top priority. Here’s what we’re doing:

1)    Free Virtual Office Hours:  Many of our clients are faced with the challenge of revamping their talent development strategies and to address employee needs and changing organizational goals in our new reality. If you would like a sounding board or some ideas to help you pivot, we have your back.  Reach out to schedule time with us at or or schedule a time directly on our calendars by clicking on the button below.

2)    Adapting to Your New Needs:  While we already work with our clients in a virtual capacity via virtual coaching, consulting and select virtual training; we are adapting some of our in-person flagship programming to create the powerful virtually connected learning experiences. As we introduce new topics for exploration and new modalities for learning together, one thing remains the same, we remain unwavering in our commitment to help you bring out the best in your people. 

Be safe, healthy and stay connected.

Debbie & Betina