
From New York to California


We work across industries and sectors with a focus on STEM. Companies we have worked with include:

Debbie is my executive coach and was instrumental in helping me clarify my objectives and identify the niche for my company. Over the past two year as my business has grown, I have continued to work with Debbie to refine everything from my approach to communication with a new client to my personal priorities. As a woman in a leadership position, I am very mindful of both verbal and non-verbal communication in different settings and work to ensure that I have all the strategies I need to be as present and well received as possible. Debbie continually helps me to develop new tools and feel confident in adopting those strategies.
— Jennifer R. Schneider PhD, MPH
The course tackled issues that are unique and paramount for the women in the class: negotiating skills, presence and taking a seat at the table, imposter syndrome, and many others.  But most importantly it was a forum that quickly built trust among the participants, and fostered building a strong network of coaches /  peers that can be called upon for a long time to come. “

— Senior Manager, Caterpillar
“This has been the best training course I have ever taken! Most classes drag you through power point boredom but this class was interactive and the lessons were so relevant and really delivered the lessons you needed to learn. Plus I loved the peer feedback, all of the women are dealing with the same challenges and help you to look at new ways to achieve your goals.”
— Director Organizational Development, technology company